MatDialog changes in Angular Material 15

Since Angular Material 15 the MatDialogs look quite different than they used to. Especially the font sizes are different. The CSS has changed:

.mat-mdc-dialog-container .mdc-dialog__content { color: var(--mdc-dialog-supporting-text-color, black); } .mat-mdc-dialog-container .mdc-dialog__content { font-family: var(--mdc-dialog-supporting-text-font, "Arial"); line-height: var(--mdc-dialog-supporting-text-line-height, 14px); font-size: var(--mdc-dialog-supporting-text-size, 14px); font-weight: var(--mdc-dialog-supporting-text-weight, 500); letter-spacing: var(--mdc-dialog-supporting-text-tracking, 1px); }

If you are used to have the same styles in your dialogs as in your pages you can revert these changes by overwriting the CSS:

.mat-mdc-dialog-container .mdc-dialog__content { color: inherit !important; } .mat-mdc-dialog-container .mdc-dialog__content { line-height: inherit !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; letter-spacing: inherit !important; }

With inherit, the style of the parent element will be used. This way the dialogs will not look different anymore.